In this very specialized industry everyone has a story and this is ours. Clint started working at a sawmill when he was 14 years old as board stacker. He quickly worked his way up and by the time he turned sixteen he was the head sawyer. Having a good eye for making grade lumber as well as sawing around log defects made Clint highly sought after by customers looking to get maximum yield from their logs. It was one such customer that introduced Clint to Heart Pine. As soon as Clint finished the job he inquired with the customer about where he got the logs from. The customer explained he had bought them from a logger who specialized in that type of logging called deadheading. From there Clint went out in search of all the information he could about the industry. He took a job as a sawyer for a
leading Heart Pine Flooring manufacturer as well as a crew member on a deadhead logging boat. Years of watching middle men make all the money and drive the price up had convinced Clint that there was a better way. In 2008 with the help of his friend and fellow deadhead logger Dave Stone Three Rivers Flooring Company was born. The idea was simple remove the middle men and streamline the process. Thus insuring the highest quality and the lowest price. Clint built a couple of pull barges and He and Dave began deadhead logging on their own.
They quickly developed a grid diving system that was incredibly efficient so log supply was no longer an issue. Now the company could handle every aspect of the process from the finding of the logs to the making of the floors and furniture.